We know what you’re thinking. “Another one of those flavorless hard seltzers that tastes like a strawberry sneezed in it.”
You don’t want that. Neither did we, so we started LFG Seltzer Co.
I think we must have drank about 20 different types of those hundy-cal baby ABV copy cats until we said “fuck it we’re doing it ourselves”.
We’ll tell you right now, we’re not brewers, so when starting out on this whole thing we were worried we wouldn’t be able to make an 8% Seltzer actually taste good.
Dear Sweet baby Jesus were we wrong.
Which led us to the question “how is everyone else fucking up so bad?” Either way, their loss and we’re glad they are because we get to bring you this.
Grab a can and buckle up.
-The LFG Seltzer Guys